Wifigrams: Design of Hierarchical Wi-Fi Indoor Localization Systems Guided by Social Network Analysis
- Alonso, José María; Hernández, Noelia; Ocaña, Manuel
- Year: 2013
- Type of Publication: Article
- Keywords: Wi-Fi Technology; Topology-based Hierarchical Localization; Social Network Analysis
- Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science
- Volume: 8112
- Pages: 9-16
- ISSN: 0302-9743
- DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-53862-9
- Abstract:
- This work introduces the notion of Wifigrams, i.e., visual Wi-Fi maps which comprise hundreds of topological positions (nodes) linked in accordance with their co-visibility degree of Wi-Fi Access Points (APs). Both design and analysis of Wifigrams are guided by the most popular Social Network Analysis (SNA) techniques. Thus, the structure of a hierarchical topology-based Wi-Fi indoor localization system emerges naturally when looking carefully to the related Wifigram. It shows graphically the closeness among topological positions in terms of their pattern of AP co-visiblity, yielding several zones of interest which are automatically discovered through community mining techniques. This novel proposal has been successfully tested in a large real-world environment, namely the first floor of the west wing in the Polytechnic School at the University of Alcalá (UAH), yielding encouraging results.
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